Help Reduce Survey Bias- Take the 2017 Annual Dimensions of Data Quality Survey

Do you value data? Of course you do, otherwise you probably wouldn't be subscribed to this blog. So my guess is that you appreciate data without bias. In this age of "Fake News" and other obstructions to our desired level of information quality (think broader than data quality) we have to be weary of how information is interpreted and whether the data we use, to draw a conclusions, is without bias.

Is a Truncated Value Incomplete?

The IT department has just migrated 400,000 accounts from the legacy ERP system onto a new, bright and shiny, system sold by a large software vendor, but the Sales team is mortified. The Sales team has discovered that all of the Sales Notes fields (in addition to others) have been Truncated to 255 characters. The sales agents use the end of this text field to record all of the "juicy" (or current) leads and now this valuable information is no longer accessible...

Why Completeness as a First Step

When faced with a number of data quality issues, and urgent stakeholder requests to improve quality, it can be tempting to dive right in and clean the data. This however doesn't get to the root of the problem and one finds that many of the same types of problems have to be resolved over and over again. This can be not only ineffective, but also demoralizing when staff have to spend so much time to get back to where they started.

Dr. Rupa Mahanti

Dan Myers is one of the most knowledgeable persons in data quality. In addition to his tremendous expertise in data quality, data governance, and related fields, his business, consulting, marketing, and information technology skills are top notch. He is also the Founder and Steward of the Conformed Dimensions of Data Quality (CDDQ) which provides a starting point for organizations to measure and improve the quality of their data and gain competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Second Showcase

Phosfluorescently e-enable adaptive synergy for strategic quality vectors. Continually transform fully tested expertise with competitive technologies. Appropriately communicate adaptive imperatives rather than value-added potentialities. Conveniently harness frictionless outsourcing whereas state of the art interfaces. Quickly enable prospective technology rather than open-source technologies.