Many people find the dimensions of data quality intriguing. If you find yourself in this situation, needing to collect more information for clients, associates, your boss, or your own research, then you've come to the right place. Below you will find a short list of research on the topic of the dimensions of data quality or associated concepts. Please email us more citations as you come across them and spread the word about this website/resource. To recommend additions email admin[at]
ID | Authors | Title | Date Published | Short Description | Pages |
1 | Diane Strong, Richard Wang | Beyond Accuracy: What Data Quality Means to Data Consumers | 1996 | The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework that captures the aspects of data quality that are important to data consumers. | all |
2 | Craig Fisher | Introduction to Information Quality | 2011 | Introduction to Information Quality with section on dimensions of Data Quality. | 49-78 |
3 | Richard Wang, Thomas Allen, Wesley Harris, Stuart Madnick | An Information Product Approach For Total Information Awareness-MIT Sloan School of Management, Working Paper 4407-02 | November, 2002 | Discussion about how the right data wasn't available or considered relevant, credible or accurate leading up to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Using this as an example, a proposed approach to Total Information Awareness with Quality (TIAQ) is covered in the paper. | various |
4 | Carlo Batini, Cinzia Cappiello, Chiara Francalanci, Andrea Maurino | Methodologies for data quality assessment and improvement | 2009 | The goal of this article is to provide a systematic and comparative description of such methodologies. Methodologies are compared along several dimensions, including the methodological phases and steps, the strategies and techniques, the data quality dimensions, the types of data, and, finally, the types of information systems addressed by each methodology. The article concludes with a summary description of each methodology. | all |
5 | Larry English | Improving Data Warehouse and Business Information Quality: Methods for Reducing Costs and Increasing Profit | 1999 | Section of his book describing the dimensions of data quality. | 141-153 |
6 | Danette McGilvray | Executing Data Quality Projects: Ten Steps to Quality Data and Trusted Information | 2008 | Section of his book describing the dimensions of data quality. | 30-35 |
7 | Thomas Redman | Data Quality For The Information Age | 1997 | Chapter 13. Dimensions of Data Quality | 245-269 (log. 253-275) |
8 | Various Contributors from DAMA-UK | THE SIX PRIMARY DIMENSIONS FOR DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT- Defining Data Quality Dimensions | October, 2013 | Article/White Paper | n/a (16 pages long) |
9 | Alexander Borek, Ajith K. Parlikad, Jela Webb, Philip Woodall | Total Information Risk Management- Maximizing the Value of Data and Information Assets | 2014 | Few pages of the book discussing how to use the dimensions of data quality within the TIRM methodology and recommending a list of dimensions to use. | 79 (log. 101) |
10 | Dan Myers | The Value of Using the Dimensions of Data Quality | 2013 | This is a series of five articles on the dimensions of data quality and how much agreement there is among six authors/organizations regarding the definitions of each dimension. | ~10 |
11 | David Loshin | Enterprise Knowledge Management: The Data Quality Approach. Morgan Kaufmann. | 2009 | Chapter 5, Dimensions of Data Quality | p101-124 (Log. 117-140) |
12 | Yang W. Lee, Leo L. Pipino, James D. Funk, and Richard Y. Wang | Journey to Data Quality, MIT Press | 2006 | Discussion across various topics | various |
13 | International Organization for Standardization (ISO) | ISO/IEC 25012:2008, Software engineering -- Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) -- Data quality model | 2008 | "ISO/IEC 25012:2008 defines a general data quality model for data retained in a structured format within a computer system. ISO/IEC 25012:2008 categorizes quality attributes into fifteen characteristics considered by two points of view: inherent and system dependent. Data quality characteristics will be of varying importance and priority to different stakeholders." (ISO Website) | n/a |
14 | Richard Wang, Lisa Guarascio | Dimensions of Data Quality- Toward Quality Data by Design | 1991 | all | |
15 | Larry English | To a High IQ! Information Content Quality: Assessing the Quality of the Information Product | 2006 | English highlights three important 'components' of what he calls IQ Characteristics [Dimensions]. These include: Information Definition Quality, Information Content Quality, Information Presentation Quality. | all |
16 | Dan Myers, Brian Blake | (Academic Paper: An Evaluation of the Conformed Dimensions of Data Quality in Application to an Existing Information Quality-Privacy-Trust Research Framework) [UALR Link] (Presentation from ICIQ 2017: Presentation) | 2017 | Brian Blake discusses the use of the Conformed Dimensions as framework and definitions for his research into IQ and privacy/trust. Then Dan Myers discusses how to use the Conformed Dimensions to measure subjective dimensions of data quality, such as Believability. | all |
17 | Christopher Fox, Anany Levitin, Thomas Redman | The Notion of Data and Its Quality Dimensions (Information Processing & Management Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 9-19) | 1994 | Includes introduction discussing what data is and then discusses dimensions of data quality. Covers author's early thoughts on separation of dimensions into 3 categories Model, Data Values, Representation- with the article focused on the Data Values only. | all |
18 | Dan Myers | Mapping the ISO Dimensions of Data Quality to the Conformed Dimensions of Data Quality (CDDQ) | December 22, 2017 | The primary purpose for conducting this comparison of the CDDQ to the ISO/IEC 25012:2008 Data Quality Model’s Dimensions of Data Quality was to identify how comprehensive the CDDQ is if used as an organizational standard and even an industry standard. | all |
19 | Donald Ballou, Richard Wang, Harold Pazer, Giri Kumar.Tayi | Modeling Information Manufacturing Systems to Determine Information Product Quality | August, 1994 | We consider four attributes of information products in this paper: timeliness, data quality, cost, and value. In particular, we focus on timeliness and data quality. | all |
20 | Dan Myers | Webinar: Conformed Dimensions of Data Quality – An Organized Approach to Data Quality Measurement | August 17, 2017 | Information Quality practitioner Dan Myers presented the Conformed Dimensions of Data Quality framework and results of the 3rd Annual Dimensions of Data Quality survey (2017). | all |
Other Helpful Resources:
- Information Quality Framework (from legacy organization, IAIDQ/IQ International) Overview by Dan Myers